What Are The Rules Of The Kitchen In Pickleball?
If you’re new to pickleball and curious about the game you might have heard about the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the unique aspects of pickleball distinguishing it from tennis and badminton.
So what are the rules of the kitchen?
The regulations of the kitchen prohibit players from being in the kitchen, touching the line, or having any part of their body (including objects in direct contact with their body) in the kitchen. In addition, players cannot volley from the kitchen.
This is a simplified answer but we will cover everything you need to know about the intricacies of the kitchen in this article. So if you want to learn about the kitchen, buckle up and let's get picklin.
What is the Kitchen?
So first off here’s the basic run down:
The kitchen is the non-volley zone in pickleball. It extends seven feet from both sides of the net and from sideline to sideline. Players are not allowed inside (or on the line) of the non-volley zone unless the ball bounces first

Why does the Kitchen Rule Exist?
Simply stated, the kitchen rule prevents individuals from standing at the net and bashing everything below. Think about the idea of allowing players to stand at the net while playing. The game would be unplayable. That's why the founders Joel Pritchard and Bill Bell added the kitchen rule
The Rules of the Kitchen
Okay, let's get to the rules!
As I previously said, the basic kitchen rule is as follows: While volleying a ball, you may not stand in or otherwise make contact with the kitchen zone or kitchen line. A volley is a racquet sports term for striking the ball in mid-air before it lands. This includes the beginning of the volley stroke. Keep that term in mind as you read; it is crucial.
According to the International Federation of Pickleball's (IFP) official tournament rulebook:
That’s the basics of the rules, but wait there’s more you need to keep in mind
The rules also state that anything you’re wearing can not end up in the kitchen up in the kitchen after you’ve volleyed the ball. This includes your hat falling off into the kitchen or your sunglasses sliding off your face. This includes anything that contacts the kitchen via momentum of your volley.
So if you slip and fall into the kitchen after volleying the ball that counts as a fault.
Remember that you can legally volley a ball while the paddle is in midair over the kitchen line if you do it from outside the kitchen. Do not be confused, the air above the kitchen is not considered part of the kitchen.
However there is one exception
This basically means that players can not be standing in the kitchen jump and volley the ball then land outside the kitchen. If you are in the kitchen and jump out you can not volley the ball until you actually land outside of the kitchen.
Touching the Kitchen
The main notion is that the kitchen is 'off-limits,' in the sense that you cannot enter it at any point throughout the game, however this is an oversimplification. You can stand in the kitchen, but you can't do anything. You cannot volley from the kitchen since it is deemed a fault.
However if the ball already bounced you can return it from the kitchen.
Standing in the Kitchen
Again, the kitchen isn't fully off-limits; you just can't do anything while standing inside. This implies that if you happen to be standing in the kitchen while the ball is still on the other side, you're fine, but if you volley a return, you're in big trouble.
It’s not recommended to just randomly be standing in the kitchen because it leaves you as a sitting duck.
So what should you do?
Toeing the line
In general, you want to be as close to the kitchen as possible without really being on the line, but this will vary from game to game. This is truer than ever when a steady dinking surge is underway. The term "toeing the line" describes this positioning.
What to do in the kitchen?
It's your call! If you're not serving or volleying, it's okay.
Players frequently make a beeline for the kitchen to return a short dink. As long as the ball has bounced first, that's ok by the rules. You need to exercise caution since sitting in the kitchen makes you an easy target. Since each volley you hit from inside the kitchen is immediately a fault. But you'll have to either let the ball fly or coun. So, basically, you don’t have a ton of options. Get out of there as quickly as possible if you have to go into the kitchen.
You might feel like the pickleball is a no go zone but don’t be afraid to return a ball from their once it bounces. You’ll be seriously limiting your game.
Just remember though don’t hang out in the kitchen.